About BOM

The Bergen Ocean Model is a numerical simulation tool developed by the Hydrodynamics group at Dept. of Mathematics , University of Bergen, with contributions from groups at Uni Research AS, the Dept. of Informatics at the University of Bergen, and the Institute of Marine Research.

The code development was initiated in 1995, with the main motivation to incorporate modern numerical techniques into ocean modeling, and this process is continuously ongoing. The model is implemented in Fortran 95 with source code freely available.

The mathematical basis for the model is the velocity field, pressure, density, salinity and temperature governed by momentum, continuity and conservation equations. The discretization applies finite differences on a staggered grid with a vertical sigma-coordinate representation. The model has an option for including the effect of non hydrostatic pressure, and has been parallelized using MPI.

The model is freely available and can be downloaded here

Further details can be found in the documentation.

Inquiries about BOM may be directed to

Professor Jarle Berntsen
Department of Mathematics
University of Bergen
5007 Bergen

Senior Scientist Helge Avlesen
Uni Research,
P.b. 7810,
5020 Bergen